Referral to the special outpatient clinic for neuro-oncology
In the special neurooncology outpatient clinic of our Neurooncology Center, we treat patients with tumors of the central nervous system together with colleagues from neurosurgery, radiotherapy, neuroradiology, and neuropathology.
Based on the tumor classification after biopsy/surgery, an interdisciplinary staging, and a discussion in the weekly tumor board, we put together an individual treatment plan for your patient and carry out the recommended chemotherapy, if necessary, after preparatory measures such as the implantation of a port system. Regular re-evaluations of the therapy in the tumor board, as well as psycho-oncological and socio-medical co-treatment of your patient, are obligatory.
When presenting your patient, we ask you to bring the following documents with you:Bei:
- previous MRI scans,
- previous medical reports,
- current medication plan
We will return all the documents you have brought with you to your patient at the end of the examination.
Our expert for neuro-oncological issues::