Referral to the special outpatient clinic for epileptology

In our DGfE-certified special outpatient clinic for epileptology, we examine patients with (suspected) diagnoses of epileptic seizures and adult-onset epilepsy, classify the convulsive symptoms diagnostically, and suggest therapeutic measures.

We support you in the treatment of patients with an initial diagnosis of an epileptic seizure or epilepsy for whom there is no precise diagnosis according to specialist neurological assessment or for whom, despite specialist neurological treatment with seizure-suppressive medication, seizure freedom with no side effects is not achieved. We are also happy to advise your patient on specific therapeutic, occupational, or socio-medical issues and questions relating to fertility and pregnancy. For people with disabilities, we cooperate with the Medical Treatment Center for Adults with Disabilities (MZEB) Magdeburg.

Our treatment options, which we will inform your patient about, include the entire spectrum of seizure-suppressive medication, neuromodulative treatments such as EASEE (Epicranial Application of Stimulation Electrodes for Epilepsy), vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation, and epilepsy surgery procedures such as microsurgical resection, radiofrequency ablation or stereotactic laser ablation - the latter in collaboration with our neurosurgical and stereotactic neurosurgical colleagues. In potentially epilepsy surgery-relevant cases, we also accept patients from the age of 14 in cooperation with our neuropaediatric colleagues. We will organize any necessary inpatient pre-surgical or diagnostic video-EEG monitoring in the Epilepsy Unit of the Department of Neurology for your patient.

It is helpful to introduce the patient to a relative or a trusted person who has ideally observed one or more seizures. We also ask you to provide the following:

  • MRI preliminary images in the form of a CD or a download code,
  • medical reports,
  • current medication plan,
  • Documentation on previous medication intake,
  • current/last laboratory values (if available),
  • any available home video on seizures,
  • a patient-managed seizure calendar.

At the end of the examination, we will return all the documents you brought with you to your patient. 

Our expert for epileptologic questions::

F.C. Schmitt
PD Dr. med. F.C. Schmitt
Olga Kukhlenko
Olga Kukhlenko

Last Modification: 18.02.2025 - Contact Person:

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